Becker and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Disorders of progress muscle weakness, DMD 🧬gene, X-linked


Rapidly progressive, symmetric muscle weakness and wasting due to degeneration of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. The DMD gene is the largest known human gene, containing 79 exons spanning 2.2 Mb.


Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) or exon sequencing on DNA level.

⬆️ Creatine Kinase (increased on serum testing)

Recurrence Risk

  • 1/3 de novo rate


  • Gower sign/maneuver - arrives at a standing by using the hands to “walk up” the body until they are upright

  • Delayed motor milestones

  • Elevated creatine phosphokinase (CK) concentration and muscle cramps

  • Calf hypertrophy - affected muscles are weak even though they appear larger

  • Scoliosis

  • Inability to walk by 12 - Wheelchair use

  • DMD-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) = 90%


  • ACE inhibitors w/&w/o beta blockers - cardiomyopathy in both DMD and BMD.

  • Congestive heart failure - diuretics and oxygen as needed

  • Cardiac transplantation - severe dilated cardiomyopathy and BMD

  • Corticosteroid therapy improves muscle strength and function

  • Dystrophin restoration therapies

Additional Information

  • Average lifespan ≈ about third decade

  • Carrier females may manifest signs of disease, often with a classic dystrophinopathy

    • Skewed X inactivation


Inherited Metabolic Disorders for ABGC


Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss