Inherited Metabolic Disorders for ABGC
The board certification exam for genetic counselors is a four-hour, 200 question (170 count) high-stakes exam. There are a wide range of topics and if you feel overwhelmed when you start studying, you are in good company.
There are some great study resources that can help. My top three favorites are:
I find it most helpful to visualize the material. It helps me to understand how different disorders and classes of disorders are connected. The inborn errors of metabolism can be very overwhelming at first glance. However, I found that understanding a few basics for each type helps me to understand and differentiate better.
I hope this guide helps you as you study and learn more. If you have questions or comments, please use the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of the page.
Overview of fatty acid oxidation, organic academia, urea cycle disorders, amino acid disorders, and carbohydrate disorders